Forest Management in Eden District
State Forests of NSW manages about 170,000 hectares of State Forest in Eden District. Management of this estate includes conserving water, soil, flora and fauna values in conjunction with the production of sawlogs and pulplogs.
Access for recreation, including the provision of picnic facilities for day visitors, as well as for fire prevention and suppression are also important factors in planning and management of these native forests.
Logging operations are planned to take place over space and time, with many areas excluded from logging. Forest along significant streams, on prominent ridges and other areas are reserved for wildlife habitat, to protect water quality, or to preserve sites that contain rare plants or significant areas of forest.
Logging operations in the Eden District take place in areas called coupes. These average 50 hectares in size. Forests regenerate naturally after both logging and wildfire, and today, many thousands of hectares of regrowth forests are being managed as the forests of the future.
Wallagaraugh Forest Drive
Wallagaraugh Forest Drive consists of a network of roads east of the Princes Highway within Nadgee and Bruces Creek State Forests. It joins the highway at Ireland-Timms Road, 27 km south of Eden and at Maxwells Road, a further 12 km south.
Visitors can drive it at a leisurely pace in less than 5 hours from Eden, stop for lunch at one of the picnic and barbecue areas and stroll along the rainforest walking trail at Maxwells Picnic Area.
The forests along the drive are a mixture of regrowth forests resulting from both logging and wildfires.
Protected reserves and older stands of trees in moister areas that have been excluded from logging or naturally protected from fire are also a feature of the drive.
The vast stands of silvertop ash visible along the first section of the drive are a result of wildfire in 1952 and 1980 and is typical of fire-induced regrowth. These areas illustrate the remarkable power of recovery from fire that many Australian forests have developed.
The effects of timber operations are similar in many ways to those of fire; both open up the forest and allow seeds from the crowns of trees or dormant seedlings on the forest floor to flourish, regenerating the forest.
Ludwigs Creek Picnic Area
The first stop along the drive is at Ludwigs Creek where facilities have been established for day visitors. This area is a prime example of forest that is excluded from logging and retained in its natural state.
It is general practice to leave unlogged strips at least 20 metres wide on either side of streams but in places of particular significance, such as here, much wider strips are reserved. The picnic and barbecue area with toilets and a 500 metre circular bushwalk path has been established within this reserved area.
Maxwells Rainforest Walk and Picnic Area
From Mallacoota Lookout, the drive returns via Mines Road to a picnic area on Maxwells Road. The gullies in this area contain patches of warm temperature rainforest.
Take a stroll along the sign posted walking trail and enjoy the coolness and tranquillity of the rainforest. The most common type of tree in the rainforest is the lillypilly, which grows to 30 metres. Other species, like blackwood and pinkwood, are also present along with large tree ferns and associated rainforest flora.
This area is part of the 370 ha Maxwell’s Flora Reserve which has been set aside to permanently preserve its warm temperate rainforest and surrounds.
This and similar reserves set aside in State Forests throughout the Eden District cover a total area of more than 14,770 ha.
Visitors will notice that logged areas along Maxwell’s Road alternate with unlogged areas of a similar size. This patchwork pattern is designed to minimise disturbance to wildlife, reduce solid disturbance on catchment areas and preserve as far as possible the diversity and beauty of the forest.
Information about State Forests of the area can be obtained from State Forests Eden District Office, which is located at 44 Bass Street, Eden. Telephone 02 6496 1500.
Wonderful Wallagaraugh River Wilderness Cruise
Australia’s Best Kept Secret, 50 passenger MV Discovery
Thinking of Something Different?
Too many visitors to Mallacoota go away believing what they have seen of the inlet from the town centre area is the be all and end all of lakes and water in the region. In reality what they have seen is the tip of the iceberg, just a small part of more than 300 kilometres of fascinating shoreline, secluded coves and fjord like lake arms and inlets.
Come with Captain Neil in the magnificent 41 ft, “M.V. Discovery” for a leisurely trip through the Mallacoota Lakes and Genoa River,and the upper reaches of the beautiful and isolated Wallagaraugh River.
With Neil Rankin of Rankin’s Hire Cruisers discover the real and often hidden beauty of this area – the mountain peaks, rain forests, superb natural flora and fauna and some of Australia’s most fascinating waterways.
The Discovery departs the Main Wharf (three times weekly year round) for a day of enjoyment and complete relaxation. You will pass the Goodwin Sands, which abound with an incredible variety of bird lift, and feel the true tranquillity of Mallacoota’s quiet, natural scenery and the surrounding National Park. The cruise enters the Narrows, which connects the Top and Bottom Lakes, and has its own identity with steep banks and native flora, right down to the waters edge.
The Wallagaraugh River Wilderness Cruise leaves the wharf in Mallacoota and is an all day adventure. Cruising past Rabbit Island through Bottom Lake, The Narrows, and the Top Lake sets a mood of eager anticipation for more to come.
Passing through rain forest areas with tree ferns more than 10 metres tall, reflections enable the most inept photographers to snap pictures of supreme interest and beauty.
Whistling kites, sea eagles, kingfishers, kookaburras, water lizards basking on logs, wattles (in season), lilly-pilly, pittosporum, giant manna gums, beautiful wild orchids, sarsaparilla creepers and a host of other flora. Lunch is included as part of the cruise.
Cruising above Discovery is a pleasant experience.
Tea/coffee, cold drinks, etc are available and there is an on-board twin toilet for your convenience.
The vessel seats 50, is fully carpeted and has panoramic views in padded comfort. Cruise to areas previously out of reach on daily cruises.You can watch Sea Eagles being fed and enjoy commentary by a third generation of the area Captain.
- Special half day and lunch cruises available
- Charter, coach and group bookings available, day or night
- All weather cruise comfort
- Wheelchair access
- Meals, barbecue, smorgasbord, light lunches as required
Book ahead today with owner operators Neil and Corry Rankin
Rankin’s Hire Cruisers
Main Wharf
Mallacoota 3892
Phone (03) 5158 0555 or (03) 5158 0515