
Hi Guys,

We nominated you for Holidaying with dogs, I thought you might like a copy of what we said. (You can use it however you like!)

To all good dog lovers,

I wish to nominate Adobe Mudbrick Flats for a Life Be In It Five Star Dog Friendly Accommodation Award.

Adobe Mud Brick Flats in Mallacoota is the best dog friendly place I have ever stayed. I was allowed to enjoy the fire while mum and dad watched a video and shared a glass of champagne. The environmentally friendly people who run the joint have cleverly made the units all face north which gave me a lovely sunbathing spot for most of the morning. Entertainment was fantastic. I enjoyed watching the birds at the bird feeder and the possums walk by the windows.

All in all I have decided to enlist the help of my friend and partner in crime Aristotle, who is a cat, even though he thinks he’s a dog, (shhh, he’s touchy on that topic!) to assist me in laying on our backs and putting a genuine eight paws in the air for Adobe Mudbrick Flats as the best place for humans and dogs to stay in the whole world.

From Jess, the Kelpie Cross German Shepherd